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1.   Q. I'm just starting to test Fire Pumps. What do I need?
2.   Q. The FLOWBUSTER is so light! I'm currently  using flow diverters that weigh over 20lbs
each. Is the FLOWBUSTER strong enough?

3.   Q. Your Flow Chart only goes to 87psi. Is this an upper limit for readings? 
4.   Q. I'm testing a 2000GPM Fire Pump. How many FLOWBUSTERS do I need?
5.   Q. How does the "Stacking Connector" work? 
6.   Q. Will the FLOWBUSTERS work on slopes?
7.   Q. What surfaces will it not work on?
8.   Q. Accuracy? Why is your system better?
9.   Q. Does your system works as advertised?
10. Q. Is the FLOWBUSTER UL Listed or Factory Mutual Approved?
11. Q. My exiting stream flow is not a solid stream as shown in your pictures. Is anything wrong?   

 Q. I'm just starting to test Fire Pumps. What do I need?
1. A. Most Fire Pumps range from 150 GPM - 5000 GPM. Purchase what will cover 90% of your
potential tests in your area. We recommend: 

(4) Nozzle Inserts,
(2) Stacking Connectors (3 high each)
(1) Pitot tube
(8) 25foot, 3in Fire Hoses (not the 2-1/2") with 2-1/2"NST connections 
(2) 50ft, 3in Fire Hoses with 2-1/2"NST connections 

This will provide you enough hose initially to run (3) lines for 100 ft, (4) lines for 
75 ft ea, or (6) lines for 50 ft ea. Using 3 in hose will reduce friction losses so you can use
fewer hoses per test. Using 25 ft. lengths saves the wear and tear on your back. 

You will also need a good digital tachometer, an Ampmeter/Voltmeter, and test gauges that have
been calibrated and a good, active brain.   

 Q. The FLOWBUSTER is so light! I'm currently using flow diverters that weigh
over 26lbs each. Is the FLOWBUSTER strong enough?
2. A. Yes, the FLOWBUSTER is not only light (8lbs), but compact. It is extremely strong and should
provide you with years of use in the field.

 Q. Your Flow Chart only goes to 87psi. Is this an upper limit for readings? 
3. A. We have tested the FLOWBUSTER to readings above 100psi but do not recommend it nor
is it really needed to go that high. Your accuracy is better at the lower values and the pressures
less likely to get you in trouble.

 Q. I'm testing a 2000GPM Fire Pump. How many FLOWBUSTERS do I need?
4. Each fire pump is provided with a specific number of hose valves. A 2000GPM unit would be
furnished with 6 valves. The number required actually depends on the pump discharge presure
and the friction losses from the pump to the FLOWBUSTER Nozzle. If the fire pump has a boost
pressure of 40psi and is pulling from a ground storage tank and you are using 100ft hoses you 
would probably need all 6. With a city pressure of 60psi and a pump boost pressure of 100psi
using 25ft, 3in hoses you would only need 3.       

 Q. How does the "Stacking Connector" work? 
5. A. The "Stacking Connector" keeps a stack of FLOWBUSTERS in-line and helps to prevent
tipping over due to hose twisting. Without it the stack may tip over as the hoses try to straighten
out if twisted during lay-out. If they tip over nothing bad happens but things and individuals can
get wet. The Stacking Connector has two stabilizers that extend out and lock in place during use. 
The stabilizers fold along the FLOWBUSTER sides during transporting. Most folks keep the
connector attached for convenience.     

 Q. Will the FLOWBUSTERS work on slopes?
6. A. Yes, gentle to moderate slopes are no problem for the FLOWBUSTER due to its design. The
guide vanes direct the water vertically which results in applying a downward force that keeps it 
anchored. A "Three" stack can exert a downward force of 60-75lbs depending on the flow. 

 Q. What surfaces will it not work on?
7. A. Loose gravel. Loose gravel surfaces will be disturbed within 4ft. of the FLOWBUSTER. We
suggest having a 4'x8' or 5'x10' tarp handy to place under the FLOWBUSTER stack during testing.
It beats a shovel.

 Q. Accuracy? Why is your system better?
8. A. Accurate readings are important. The FLOWBUSTER is a platform to allow qualified test
personnel to obtain the most accurate values possible. The water stream is completely exposed
to allow the Pitot tube to be positioned at the most optimum place to achieve accurate flow. Unlike
in a laboratory, this position is never in the same place, varying with every hose layout. 

 Q. Does your system works as advertised?
9. A. The FLOWBUSTER has been field tested for over three years. It was patented in 2006 (US
Patent No 7,137,568). The system works!

The weight savings alone is worth the purchase. Climbing up ladders, stairs, and putting it in and
out of vehicles is almost effortless. Conserving storage space is always important. The
FLOWBUSTER stacks in 1/3 the space required by other systems. 

The flow stream is completely exposed to allow the operator to seek the most representative

In and out of the water, the FLOWBUSTER will help to make your results more accurate with
less effort.

 Q. Is the FLOWBUSTER UL Listed or Factory Mutual Approved?
10. A. YES, The FLOWBUSTER is FM Approved. At this time the FLOWBUSTER is not Listed by UL.  

  Q. My exiting stream flow is not a solid stream as shown in your pictures.
Is anything wrong?
11. A. Yes. Your hose connected to the FLOWBUSTER needs to be as straight as possible
(at least 5 feet from the device) for accurate readings. Straighten the hose and the flow stream
should look more like the ones posted on our site.
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